JUMP TOIntroduction ℹ️Authentification 🔐Test and Production System 💻Provide Shipper and Consignee Information 🌍Package types and measurement 📦Dangerous Goods ⚠Shipment Products 🚚Van/Truck Product 🚛Error Messages 🚨Filtering and Searching 🔎Request Examples 🗒Quotation with minimum detailsBooking with minimum detailsAnother booking exampleBooking a van/truckAPI DocumentationQuotationsPlace a QuotationpostGet quotationsgetGet a QuotationgetBook an Order Based on a QuotationpostOrdersPlace an OrderpostGet ordersgetGet an OrdergetCancel an OrderpostPrint shipment label for an OrdergetPrint confirmation for an OrdergetGet tracking information for an OrdergetInvoicesGet invoicesgetPrints invoice pdf documentgetPowered by Get an Orderget https://api-sandbox.cargoboard.com/v1/orders/{id}Authorization with x-api-key.